Criminal Defense Cases

We represent clients in Maine courts on all misdemeanors and felonies, including OUI, Assaults, Drug Crimes, Sexual Offenses, Theft, Robbery, Arson, Computer Sex Crimes/Child Pornography, and Murder and Other Crimes.

Misdemeanors are less serious crimes and are classified as either Class D or E charges. They are usually brought in District Court on a complaint. Because criminal laws change over time, what may seem like a minor conviction now, could cause future charges to be treated as felonies, or increase the potential amount of jail time. For example, if a person has a prior conviction of a domestic violence misdemeanor within 10 years, a second such charge will result in a felony charge. If you’ve been charged with a misdemeanor, it’s important to talk with an experienced attorney to understand the ramifications of a conviction.
State Cases — Atty. Hess at Maine District Court in Lewiston, ME

About Felonies

Felonies are more serious crimes and are classified as Class A, B or C charges. They are usually brought in Superior court and may be charged on a complaint at first until the State presents evidence to a Grand Jury and requests an indictment. If you’ve been charged with a felony, you definitely need to talk with an experienced criminal defense attorney. The effects of a felony conviction can be severe and long reaching. A convicted felon cannot own or possess a firearm. He or she may find employment opportunities limited. Depending on the crime, a convicted felon might have to provide a DNA sample to be kept on file, or register as a sex offender, sometimes for life.

Below is a partial list of the crimes we handle in State court. 
If you’ve been charged, or think you will be, call (207) 782-2072 or e-mail us for a free consultation.

Criminal Law Cases We Handle in State Court

Arson - is taken very seriously in Maine. It’s a Class A felony that carries a maximum of 30 years of imprisonment.

Assaults - run the range from simple assaults, to elevated aggravated assaults, to domestic violence assaults and can be misdemeanors or felonies depending on the particular charge. Previous convictions on assault charges can significantly increase the potential sentence on new charges.

Computer Sex Crimes/Child Pornography - today, computers are involved in a significant number of charges of possession or dissemination of sexually explicit material involving minors. It's important to note that you don't have to own the computer to be charged. Another crime in this category is Solicitation of a Child by Computer.

Drug Crimes - this is a broad and varied category of misdemeanor and felonies. It includes possession, trafficking, furnishing, and importation. Some charges are "aggravated," depending on amounts or types of drugs and whether the alleged crime was committed near a school or safe zone.

Murder/Manslaughter - these are felony charges and include murder, attempted murder, aggravated attempted murder, and manslaughter. Murder carries a sentence of 25 years to life in prison.

OUI - Operating under the influence can be a misdemeanor or a felony charge, depending on whether there are previous OUI convictions and other factors. This charge is not limited to alcohol, but can include other intoxicants, like prescription or illegal drugs and other chemicals.

Robbery - a crime of force that is always a felony charge. It may or may not involve a weapon.

Sexual Offenses - cover a wide range of conduct, including unlawful sexual touching, sexual contact, gross sexual assault (formerly "rape"), and sexual exploitation of a minor. Charges can be misdemeanors or felonies depending on the alleged conduct.

Theft - this category runs a wide range of offenses, including theft by deception, embezzlement, receiving stolen property, unauthorized taking, extortion, and shoplifting. Depending on various factors, a person could be charged with a misdemeanor or a felony.

Other Crimes - include Burglary, Forgery, Kidnapping, Criminal Mischief, Threatening and any other crimes. It is impossible to have an exhaustive list here, so if you are concerned about a particular crime not listed, please call us.

Because Experience Matters.

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